The Gustavus men’s basketball program hosted its 23rd annual fundraiser golf tournament Thursday June, 24 at the Shoreland Country Club in St. Peter, Minn. A field of 78 golfers competed in the best ball 18-hole round of golf to assist in raising funds for the men’s basketball program, but the underlying theme of the afternoon was fellowship and fun.
Head Men’s Basketball Coach Mark Hanson had this to say about the afternoon, “It is always fun to get families and friends of the program together and enjoy each other’s company for an afternoon. We had former players from as far back as the mid 50’s who are still very loyal supporters of the program.”
The annual golf fundraiser was started in 1987 by then head coach Charlie Brock. In its 23-year duration, the annual fundraiser has helped support the men’s basketball program and established relationships among former players and friends of the program.